
Kerbal science checklist
Kerbal science checklist

kerbal science checklist

This entry was posted in Kerbal Space Crap by Tyler Bletsch. Python sources that generated it (github).Fixed seismic scans in water - they’re invalid.I removed the invalid “Surface” row for Kerbol (the sun).I didn’t add a separate “Splashed” section for Kerbin, since it would be very long, and few people probably care about splashing down in a puddle in the badlands. I’ve added “Splashed” rows for Eve and Laythe. I’ve been told that you can splash down on Eve, Laythe, and even some non-water biomes of Kerbin.

Kerbal science checklist download#

I noticed that the HTML download didn’t have the images - fixed.Updated 29 June 2014 - changes in revision 2: They’re probably not perfect…I didn’t test the math very much. The science points shown indicate the base value for returning the results safely to Kerbin (as opposed to transmitting them), and they don’t include the subsequent value of repeating the experiment. I also found that it copy pasted into Excel without too much trouble. I wanted to print mine, so I tweaked the output HTML to pagebreak cleanly, and turned it into a PDF. I basically scraped a lot of rules from the Kerbal Space Program wiki and coded them into a bunch of data structures in Python, then had the script iterate them to generate a giant HTML document. So I spent today building a script to generate a giant Kerbal Science Checklist! I wanted a way to keep track of the various science experiments I’d done, and the built-in interface is so-so about tracking that in one easy to read place. I decided it’s time to get serious about my pretend space exploration ( Kerbal Space Program). Here’s what it looks like - get the HTML, PDF, or XLSX to see the real thing.

Kerbal science checklist